About Us


MSME Dost is the concept and brainchild of Tech-enthusiast Business Owner with over 15+ of experience under belt.

It has been pulled off and tightened with a closely knit group of Business Owners who realized the necessity of a Service Platform where people listed as Service Partner is from their trusted network only whose Credibility is measured and authenticated through genuine means and sources.


MSMEDost mantra is Rating, Review & Repeat. 
We don't refer, we serve as MSMEs to prefer us.

We assure here service partners are not registered only on payment of service charges, is duly approved by some other listed service provider and his worth and risk is assessed and certified to business risk level by someone and one can always attach his/her credential for referring new entrant to our customers/ consumers. A rotten Apple ruins whole basket, so we try to ensure all our service partners are quality verified and certified.

Every customer is in real terms a genuine and most result oriented sales men and mouth piece for our brand and we believe to make everyone rely on us for the services that we provide thereby all associated with us is our Brand Ambassador.
Cover every home, office, establishment for all services and assure smiling face with every service completed. We plan to make every service partner grow and boom with every service and passing days.
Philosophies of MSME DOST
we believe getting good review from a customer is very easy and a satisfied customer is your always best performer in your sales team.
  1. We believe that a satisfied customer will always make time to review and rate your business.
  2. A satisfied customer is always easier to retain than finding a new customer.
How MSM DOST works?
At MSME DOST we believe that bringing a customer on the platform where there are a number of service providers who are like minded working with a pledge to timely serve the business community and the society and satisfy the customer at any cost is contributing indirectly to the business of customers thereby a partner in nation building.
MSME DOST will take all necessary steps, follow up and incentivize the customer for providing their feedback, any complain, glitches on any suggestion so that they feel heard and we can improve our services timing value on anything that makes us even .0001% better than the last service provided by us. With every service completion, we will ask customers to give us an honest & proper review rating, share our portal and services network with the people in their connect, their customers, their vendors, their service providers even their employees or within their family.


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